In an upcoming episode of Dateline titled “The Jacket,” scheduled to air on Saturday, December 2, at 9 p.m. ET/8 p.m. CT, viewers can expect an intriguing one-hour special. The narrative centers around the disappearance of 18-year-old Anjelica “AJ” Hadsell from her residence in Virginia. The ensuing storyline involves a multifaceted investigation that delves deeply into AJ’s inner circle, encompassing her trusted friends and family, ultimately revealing a startling act of betrayal.
Andrea Canning, as the lead reporter, presents this perplexing case, inviting viewers to contemplate the intricacies of human relationships and the unsettling secrets that may lie concealed within them.
Audiences are encouraged to tune in to NBC on December 2 at 9 p.m. ET/8 p.m. CT for “The Jacket“.
See Also:
Anjelica Hadsell: The Full Story
In 2015, a tragic incident unfolded when 18-year-old college student Anjelica “AJ” Hadsell was brutally murdered by her stepfather, Wesley Hadsell. AJ’s disappearance occurred during her visit to her parents’ home in March of that year, coinciding with spring break. Her lifeless body was discovered five weeks later, partially buried in an abandoned property near the North Carolina border. The examination by a medical professional revealed that her cause of death was a combination of heroin overdose and homicidal violence, marked by visible bruises on her chest and chin.
Wesley Hadsell, who had adopted AJ in 2012, came under suspicion as the prime suspect in her murder. During the initial missing persons investigation, authorities uncovered damning evidence, including duct tape, work gloves, and a shovel, inside his vehicle. A GPS device led investigators to the precise location where AJ’s remains were found. Wesley was formally charged in 2018, but the case experienced a setback when a mistrial was declared during the first trial in 2020.
Wesley Hadsell had a criminal history that included allegations of kidnapping his ex-wife in Ohio and a bank robbery charge in Virginia. Prosecutors argued that his erratic behavior and suspected drug dependency had led to his eviction from his home with his wife. They contended that he abducted AJ with the intent of sexually abusing her and subsequently administered a fatal dose of heroin. In contrast, the defense presented AJ as a young woman grappling with severe depression and suggested the possibility of suicide while maintaining Wesley’s innocence.
Ultimately, Wesley Hadsell was found guilty of first-degree murder and concealment of the body, resulting in a life sentence in prison, with an additional 15 years. This compelling case was featured in the Dateline episode titled “The Jacket,” which aired on June 3, 2022, and included interviews with Wesley Hadsell, Detective David Benjamin of Norfolk Police, and two of the victim’s friends, Corey French and Andre Barr.